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Monterey Bay Psychological Association
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Make a Difference

February 09, 2018 10:19 AM | Anonymous

Please check out the following websites for things we can do to make a difference politically:

Santa Cruz Indivisible is a group of 3000 people who are engaged as active citizens in the political process at the local, state, national and international arenas, and focus on a progressive political agenda.

To this end we honor the vision of the founders of the United States:

  • To be informed about the facts of the civic issues of the day
  • To be informed about the founder’s vision for the United States of America
  • To participate in dialogue about policy with all fellow citizens
  • Concern ourselves with the welfare of all of our fellow citizens
  • To pursue a progressive political agenda

We are a chapter of the Indivisible National movement and use the Indivisible Guide as part of our tactics.

Link to Santa Cruz Indivisible

The Committees and Task Forces, namely the Immigration Task Force on CPA’s website

The California Psychological Association (CPA) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit professional association for licensed psychologists and others affiliated with the delivery of psychological services.

Immigration Task Force (ITF) (Members)

As we know, the experience of millions of immigrants – those documented and those undocumented – is a major mental health issue in California.  The charge of this task force involves assembling resources for psychologists working with immigrant persons and families, and making recommendations for psychologists working with this population.

Link to California Psychological Association is designed for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological care. If you require medical or psychological services, please consult a qualified professional in your area.

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